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最后更新: 2020-02-25 12:18:12 来源: 小升初网



  For ten long years the living of the dead knows nought.

  Should the dead be forgot

  And to mind never brought?

  Her lonely grave is a thousand miles away.

  To whom can I my grief convey?

  Revived e’en if she be, could she still know me?

  My face is worn with care

  And frosted is my hair.

  Last night I dreamed of coming to my native place:

  She’s making up her face

  At the window with grace.

  We gazed at each other hushed,

  But tears from our eyes gushed.

  When I am woken, I fancy her heart-broken

  On the mound clad with pines,

  Where only the moon shines.